Personal trainer Anna Reich
Our go-to gal for fitness advice Anna Reich shares four truths about staying motivated and getting the results you want…
1. Exercise and eating go hand in hand
Any exercise regime needs a nutrition plan to maximise it. You might exercise for 1 hour, but those remaining 12+ waking hours are of equal importance. Learning how to fuel and support your body properly will make your workouts more effective. For example, I know that on a leg day, I need to eat more because this group of muscles are the biggest of them all, consume a vast amount calories, and therefore need a substantial refeed to repair and grow. I also now enjoy learning and understanding the benefits of eating certain foods, such as cacao (rich in magnesium, copper, iron, protein – reduces fatigue), cottage cheese (a great protein source, especially before bed), pineapple (helps muscles recover faster). So do your research, and build yourself a better body.
Read about Anna’s pre and post workout foods here.
2. Preparation is key
If you have a goal (be it weight loss, more energy, better fitness), then diet is integral. You have to be realistic and plan your day’s eating, as much as possible, so that you’re not derailed. You don’t have to prep every single meal for the whole week (which is overwhelming for anyone) – just choose what suits your lifestyle and stick to 2-3 days at a time. If you work in an office for example, you might want to prep your lunches to avoid convenience food. This can be as simple as cooking your favourite dinner and making enough to stretch to a couple of lunches.
3. Keeping healthy snacks at hand, helps
As above, having healthy snacks within reach means that you’re less likely to succumb to naughty pick-me-ups. I love a few nuts or homemade energy balls as a pre and sometimes intra-workout snack. There’s a great recipe on here for date and almond energy balls.
4. Understanding that change takes time
Remember that it’s not a linear process. You learn what’s healthier, you change your diet and you gradually become this healthier you. It’s impossible to become this improved you overnight. Impossible! So recognise this and be patient – it’s the only way at the end of the day. Every time you fall off the wagon, you improve and get back on it stronger.
– By personal trainer Anna Reich. Find more from Anna here